Happy Youth Day to all the young people around us!
Do you remember when you were a teenager? What did you dream about? What did you love to do? What made you angry?
Today, on International Youth Day, let’s reflect on the various roles we play as adults and the spheres in which we move and influence. How can we bring these areas closer to teenagers, give them a voice, and open doors for them?
Let’s offer light and guidance to young people in:
🏠 The home: Creating a safe space where they find both boundaries and the freedom to grow.
🏢 The Workplaces: As mentors, let’s pave the way for the new generations.
🫶🏽 Our communities: Providing young people with a place of importance and defending their rights.
Here’s a blog on this topic from Nataly Vindas, a 21-year-old JovenSalud.net user and member of our Gen Z Advisory Committee. Let’s listen to what they have to say!
Inform Yourself!
Resilience as a human capacity
Lucía, a 19-year-old, is the protagonist of a story that you will probably identify with 😁. She reminds us that teenagers can face many challenges and -with support and effort- overcome them.
The new digital campaign created by TeenSmart International is based on this story and seeks to promote the free services of JovenSalud.net among Spanish-speaking youth🤩.
This campaign already has more than 24 thousand views. Many young people have identified with the metaphor of a fight that requires being prepared, with the best attitude and equipping themselves with the necessary resources and tools.
During the campaign, we also supported
Ramsés Cruz, a member of the GenZ Advisory Board, is a young migrant and professional boxer. He has shared that a service like JovenSalud.net is a great, reliable, and safe support in the midst of a society that teaches men to be tough and hide their emotions.
Take Action!
How many Lucías or Ramsés do you know? Look around you… How many teenagers and young people in your life are currently struggling? How many are struggling to have motivation to study, against bullying, personal insecurities, unhealthy habits?
You can do something today! ☀️:
- Invite them to join JovenSalud.net 📲
- Sponsor them 🤝🏼

Be part of a solution that is positively impacting the lives of thousands of young people in Latin America and beyond… JovenSalud.net‘s FREE online services are safe and effective in making healthy decisions.
Celebrate With Us!
We are very pleased to support and mentor a group of Young Bolivian Innovators, a team of professionals and students in health, psychology, education and other areas who are carrying out the educational project “Self-Discovered” aimed at the youth of El Alto, focusing on issues of sexual and reproductive health and rights and awarded by MIT-SOLVED.
This project aims to serve schools and communities in Bolivia, especially students from the El Alto region, which is distinguished by its indigenous Aymara culture. The initiative puts a particular emphasis on young women who are in their final years of high school.
The work of these young innovators includes providing information about health, rights, responsibilities, and opportunities. Their initiative seeks to promote school retention, encourage informed decision-making, reduce teenage pregnancies, promote gender equality, and improve the overall well-being of students.

Inspire Yourself!
Our mental health interventions have been updated! Thanks to the support of the AWS Health Equity Initiative, we have listened to the suggestions and feedback of 1,000 graduates of our Building Emotions course! And now these tools are better than ever.
Recommend JovenSalud´s services to all the young people aged 10-24 you know!