
Guatemala is a force of indigenous strength!

Guatemala is a force of indigenous strength!

On April 15th, our Executive Director, Adriana Gómez, and our Latin American Alliances Coordinator, Joice Corrales, visited Guatemala thanks to a special invitation from FOCUS CENTRAL AMERICA. This family foundation funds grassroots organizations that address systemic...

TeenSmart was awarded by PAHO

TeenSmart was awarded by PAHO

TeenSmart was awarded by PAHOThe Pan American Health Organization (PAHO-WHO) awarded TeenSmart International, for its platform, as a social innovation in health for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). TeenSmart was selected as one of the three...

Playful Learning: The Power of Gamification

Playful Learning: The Power of Gamification

¡Poniendo a la Juventud en primer lugar! ¡Infórmate ya! Agosto es el mes de la juventud y en TeenSmart, siempre estamos reflexionando sobre sus retos ¡pero sobre todo en las grandes oportunidades que tenemos como sociedad!

Together we can stop Bullying

Together we can stop Bullying

¡Poniendo a la Juventud en primer lugar! ¡Infórmate ya! Agosto es el mes de la juventud y en TeenSmart, siempre estamos reflexionando sobre sus retos ¡pero sobre todo en las grandes oportunidades que tenemos como sociedad!

Newsletter: August 2022

Newsletter: August 2022

Youth as a Priority! Newsletter

Find out what´s new. August marks International Youth Month, and at TeenSmart we are always thinking about the challenges teens face, but above all in the great opportunities that we as a society have!

The Speed of Trust

The Speed of Trust

Today we had a great workshop offered by Eric Liljenstolpe, president of the Board of Directors, on the book "The Speed of Trust", which is a source of inspiration in this 2022 for our scalability. The Costa Rican, Nicaraguan and Honduran staff and some professional...

Scaling at the speed of trust!

Find out what’s new!! “Scaling at the speed of trust” This is TeenSmart's motto for 2022-2025. This period will be full of incredible challenges as we scale the public and free services of to all of Central America, Mexico and beyond. Steven Covey’s...

Let’s get social!

TeenSmart is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and is legally registered in the United States, Costa Rica and Nicaragua.


Tel: (506) 2253-5618
Youth services website: