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“Scaling at the speed of trust”
This is TeenSmart’s motto for 2022-2025. This period will be full of incredible challenges as we scale the public and free services of to all of Central America, Mexico and beyond.
Steven Covey’s book “The Speed of Trust” is providing important guidance to our staff and board of directors as we prepare. We’re embracing the idea that “change moves at the speed of trust”, meaning that it takes time—and it only happens if we’ve developed relationships of trust with our partners, and generated real value from their contributions.
Some examples of successful and high-value partnerships that are enabling us to scale are:
1) In April, we began the Transition to Scale 1 program through Grand Challenges Canada (GCC). For 18 months, this project will help us expand our community of ambassadors/political partners, promoting partners, and investors, as well as young users.
2) “My Future Without Borders,” sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), seeks to support adolescents who remain in their country of origin while their parents or close relatives have migrated in search of better opportunities.
3) The Troper-Wojcicki Foundation has joined us as a donor for at least 3 consecutive years. Their support will be a big boost for our “lift,” especially for technology.
4) “I Empower Myself”: Sponsored by Canadian Funds for Local Initiatives and in partnership with Empowerment International, 150 girls graduated from the “ConóceT” virtual course and received micromessages on personal leadership.
See the video here:
Take Action!!
Spread the word!
- JovenSalud is a reliable source of information, health education and support for young people between the ages of 10-24. Share this tool.
Parents have also told us how JovenSalud has helped them connect with their teenager at home. Some choose to progress together in online courses to discuss the learnings.
Tell us how you plan to support us this year
- Donor support is critical to subsidizing these free 24/7 teen services. Let us know today what your contribution will be in 2022. Donate here.
- Our promoting partners play an essential role by spreading the word and bring these services to groups of adolescents (sports, academic, cultural, religious). Learn how to promote JovenSalud today.

Celebrate with us!
As part of the “Lift” of the organization, we are experiencing a time of organizational growth and transition. New talent is joining us: Daysi Jirón as our Administrative Coordinator, and, very soon, Cinthia Hernández as our Fundraising Coordinator. Vilma Medrano now continues as a volunteer consultant, following her retirement. Read more here.
Get inspired
Confidence starts with us!
At TeenSmart, we trust teenagers.
- 12 Nicaraguan adolescents have become co-creators of “My Future without Borders.” They have worked hard to provide design, navigability and content ideas.

- The girls from “I Empower Myself” have shown that, armed with information and friendly, scientific and value-based support, they are capable of making the best decisions for their lives.

un programa muy importante para los adolescentes y maestros..yo tuve el honor de participar en algunas capacitaciones en mi centro de trabajo.